Watching the Sunset. Once again, while sitting next to you, I was lost in your limitless eyes. Cold wind blew upon my face, and I saw as strands of your hair blew with the wind. As though they belonged to it. As they very well should. Seeing that a beauty such as you should belong to the earth, and all its wonderment. You defined and encompassed the World around you. The grass grew taller where you stepped, the tree branches reached out for you, and the waves of the sea flowed in your direction. I was paralyzed by you that evening as the sun set. For there was no beauty that I had ever known to hold the magic of the sunset’s horizon, and all the streaming colors of light protruding; that I saw when I looked into your Eyes. I knew you were beautiful, but it was until I saw the sunset in your eyes that I knew how beautiful you are, and how much you compliment the world around you, just be being there. -Shaun I hope you enjoyed this, and any other poems of mine. If you like them, please E-Mail me with comments! Also, if you really like them, share them with people that you know and love. For every smile that this poem brings, it brings a smile to me! This and many of my poems have been written for a very special girl in my life. Some of these have been published, and some are hopefully on their way to being published. COPYRIGHT 1998 SLOTHBERG PRODUCTIONS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED